Improved Work efficiency

Whenever a government employee works, he or she has to deal with different types of visitors from a variety of backgrounds. Our digital system allows for maintaining those visitors and minimizes each individual’s queue waiting time. Visitors are directed to counters accordingly, which makes it easier for them to follow up. Our Queue management system offers to save time for visitors and employees at the same time.

Avoid misuse of Office Premises

Among a variety of visitors, there might occur a chance of misuse of the premise. To overcome this issue, each visitor’s purpose of visit and their basic information is captured. Whenever a person has not checked out of the organization after their preferred check-out time, a notification will be sent to the concerned authorities.

Provides the right direction

Visitors in the waiting line are also notified about which counter they should approach to satisfy their needs. Installing our robust Queue management system helps to avoid the hassle from the very beginning of the entrance. Providing visitors with the queue waiting position gives assistance to manage their routine.


    Quest Middle East LLC
    Visitor Management

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